The Relation between Students’ Reading Anxiety and Their Interpretative Reading Comprehension of Third-Semester Students in University of Islam Malang

Juliana Puspitasari


Abstract: Reading is one of the skills that has to be mastered by English students as foreign language or second language. The purpose of the study is to know the profile of interpretative reading class and to know relationships between reading anxiety and reading comprehension of third semester student in University of Islam Malang. This Research using correlational design to analyze the relationship between reading  anxiety and interpretative reading comprehension. In collecting the data, English Foreign Language Anxiety Inventory (EFLRAI) questionnaire was used to investigate the level of students reading anxiety. Moreover, in assembling students’ interpretative reading comprehension data, the researcher constructed a reading comprehension test that taken from book that used by interpretative reading class. The subject of this study were 60 students of third semester students of English Education Departement. The data analysis of this research is correlational analysis using SPSS Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The result of this study is there is no significant correlation between students’ reading anxiety and their interpretative reading comprehension.

Key Words: Reading Anxiety, Interpretative reading comprehension.

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