Zainuddin Zain Zain


Abstract: This research is motivated by the implementation of daily punishments to students who do not speak English and violate several regulations set by Foreign Language Development Institute Nurul Jadid. Therefore, the researchers want to know the influence of daily punishment on students’ speaking skills. The purpose of this research were to identity the types of deviation which are treated with punishment at FLDI Nurul Jadid; the implementation of daily punishment applied at FLDI Nurul Jadid; and students’ perception about the influence of daily punishment toward students’ English speaking skill at FLDI Nurul Jadid. This study used qualitative research method with case study design. The subjects in this study were students who most often received punishments, totaling six students and one of the teachers who taught at the institution. The results of the study showed as follows: first, the types of deviations that were enforced by punishment include not memorizing and depositing daily vocabulary; not using English when communicating with friends; not doing the task given by the teacher during the activity; not following the activities in the institution without a clear reason; and the last not speaking like an English native speaker on a native day. Second, the implementation of daily punishments at FLDI Nurul Jadid depends on the deviation committed. Third, daily punishment can give a positive impact on FLDI Nurul Jadid students.

Key Words: Daily Punishment, Improve, Speaking Skill

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