The Impact of Online Learning System on EFL Learners' Experience at University of Islam Malang

Dzikri Jakaria




Abstract: This research presents the impact of online learning system on EFL learners at University of Islam Malang. Two years have passed since the Covid 19 pandemic case. Learners at the University of Islam Malang, especially learners of the English study program, have implemented an online learning system. The application of this online learning system has an impact on students. Therefore, the researcher conducts a research with the aim to give a detail description of the impact of online learning system on EFL learners at University of Islam Malang and which impact dominates the positive or negative.

In this study, the researcher used qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative design. The participants of this research were 52 students of fourth, sixth, and eighth semester of English Department of University Islam Malang. The participants were chosen randomly. To explore the impact of online learning system on EFL learners, an online-based questionnaire and an online-based interview were used as the methods of collecting the data. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and semi-structured interview which was adapted from (Kurniawan, 2019). The questionnaire used in this research was using Likert Scale, hence the data was analyzed by using theory derived from Sugiono (2015).

The findings showed that online learning system had an impact on participants that was both positive and negative. the most impact that participants felt was the positive impact because most of the participants noticed a benefit from online learning. Positive impact included the participants feeling more knowledgeable about platforms that support them, more flexible, had no extra expenses, and saving time when participating in online learning. Unfortunately, Internet connection, proper internet equipment, and high cost for internet were still the obstacles in online learning.


Keywords: Impact, Online Learning, EFL Learner

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