Corelation Between watching movie and speaking skill

Billy Ramadhan Matondang


Abstract: The problem of the study in this research was formulated of the research
question (1) is there any correlation between the students’ watching English movies
in their English speaking skill on third semester of Faculty of Teaching Training and
Education of University of Islam Malang. The objective of the research was to help
the researcher find out whether there is any correlation between the students’
watching English movies in their speaking on third semester of Faculty of Teaching
Training and Education of University of Islam Malang. The research methodology in
this research was descriptive correlation in quantitative which consisted of two
instruments in collecting the data. The instruments were questionnaire and
documentation of speaking score. This research was done at third semester of Faculty
of Teaching Training and Education of University of Islam Malang with the total
sample is 30 students. The researcher found the result of correlation value r = 0.872
and r-table = 0.361 in the level significance 5% (0.05). The value of correlation
product moment stated that r is higher than r-table or (0.872 > 0.361). Therefore, the
alternative hypothesis stated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Based on the
table interpretation of number correlation 0.70-0.90 it is clearly stated that there was
correlation and the correlation of both variables are high. Because the r (0.872) is
between 0.70-0.90 on the table of interpretation. Consequently, it can be concluded
that there was a significant correlation between watching English movies and
students’ English speaking skill.

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