Phytoremediation Using Different Numbers of Individual Kayu Apu Plant (Pistia stratiotes) in Reducing Lead (Pb) Levels in Paper Recycling Factory Waste

Nurlaili Rahmawati, Ratna Djuniwati Lisminingsih, Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo


Recycled paper mill waste contains inorganic materials, one of heavy metal lead. Metal lead is non-essential and non-degradable that harmful to living things. Reduce lead levels by using Kayu Apu plants (Pistia stratiotes) is needed. The aims, to determine number of Kayu Apu plants that effective in reducing lead levels, temperature and pH of optimum waste according to quality standards, increase in plant's wet weight, and  morphological condition of plants. Method is experiment with completely randomized design. Treatment consisted of number of  Kayu Apu plants A: control, B: 2 individuals, C: 5 individuals, and D: 9 individuals with 3 replications. Acclimatization of Kayu Apu plant was carried out, measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters, then data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and paired sample t-test. Results showed that lead levels of treatment using 9 individuals decreased while in  control, 2 individuals and 5 individuals increased. Average temperature and pH of waste are still optimum according to quality standards. Average fresh weight of plants increased in treatments B and C, while treatment D decreased. Number of Kayu Apu plants that effective in reducing lead was treatment using 9 individuals. Average temperature and pH of waste were optimum according to quality standards. Wet weight of plants increased in treatments B and C while D decreased. Morphology of Kayu Apu leaves in all treatments turned yellow, dried and fall off but the buds grow.

Keywords: Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes), lead (Pb), Paper mil waste

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