In the modern era, the phenomenon of dating has become common among young people, bringing negative impacts and contradicting Islamic principles. Therefore, taaruf is the most suitable approach in accordance with Sharia, especially with the advancement of technology which from time to time is increasingly rapid, it is easier for a process of getting to know each other between men and women or ta'aruf in a premarital relationship. the author uses data analysis techniques, namely descriptive analysis. After finding various information about the practice of taaruf through the Islamic media Rumah Taaruf myQuran, both from primary and secondary data sources, the author will explain and describe it and then analyse the object of study using the Islamic Law perspective approach. The type of research used by the author is library research. In this case the author obtains primary data through observations from the Rumah Taaruf myQuran website, Rumah Taaruf myQuran media applications (Instagram, twitter, youtube etc.). Taaruf practices through the Islamic media of Rumah Taaruf myQuran apply the principles of Islamic Law. This can be seen from the practice of taaruf which strictly uses religious principles. and this media has been able to facilitate well the process of taaruf between men and women who want to build a household. Taaruf through this media can make it easier for young people to get acquainted in order to marry in an Islamic manner.
Kata kunci: Taaruf Practice, Rumah Taaruf myQuran, Islamic Law
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