In a wedding event area, of course each area has its own customs, one of which is marriage. Marriage is a very important event (a sacred event) that cannot be separated from people's lives. In a typical traditional wedding ceremony, the Muara Kilis community has 6 (six) stages of a traditional marriage ceremony, namely the introduction stage, paving the way (opening the road), batunangan tying the knot (engagement), reviewing customs (determining traditional institutions), amampung tenganai (gathering family), lek day (contract day and reception), and finally Ulur Antar serah terimo (letting go and handing over the groom) so in this study the researcher raised the problem formulation as follows: 1. What is the process of the Ulur Antar serah terimo tradition (letting go and accompany the groom) which is done in Muara Kilis Village? 2. What is the view of Islamic law regarding the phenomenon of the Ulur Antar Serah Terimo tradition (letting off and accompanying the bridegroom) in Muara Kilis Village
In a wedding event area, of course each area has its own customs, one of which is marriage. Marriage is a very important event (a sacred event) that cannot be separated from people's lives. In a typical traditional wedding ceremony, the Muara Kilis community has 6 (six) stages of a traditional marriage ceremony, namely the introduction stage, paving the way (opening the road), batunangan tying the knot (engagement), reviewing customs (determining traditional institutions), amampung tenganai (gathering family), lek day (contract day and reception), and finally Ulur Antar serah terimo (letting go and handing over the groom) so in this study the researcher raised the problem formulation as follows: 1. What is the process of the Ulur Antar serah terimo tradition (letting go and accompany the groom) which is done in Muara Kilis Village? 2. What is the view of Islamic law regarding the phenomenon of the Ulur Antar Serah Terimo tradition (letting off and accompanying the bridegroom) in Muara Kilis Village
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