Fajrur Riza Ahmad, Khoirul Asfiyak, Humaidi Kaha


Parents are the main actors responsible for protecting their children's rights. Apart from that, children's rights are also protected by the state as stated in Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. In the circle of life, humans divide themselves into two stages, namely childhood and adulthood. Transition at each stage is marked by physical and mental development and growth. This kind of thing will bring a number of social and legal consequences that every norm must comply with, so that the State can guarantee, protect and fulfill children's rights which are part of human rights. The right to support is part of the fulfillment of children's rights as stated in Article 80 paragraph 4 of the KHI. However, the issue of child support after divorce often becomes a polemic because children's rights are put aside, such as maintenance costs, education and other supporting facilities. So in this case the researcher raised the problem formulation as follows: 1. What are the child's rights to support as a result of divorce according to the Compilation of Islamic Law? Islamic law?

This research uses the Normative Juridical Method using a Compilation of Islamic Law approach and a Conceptual Approach. Collecting legal materials. The author reviewed literature relevant to the problems studied using primary and secondary legal materials. Next, the legal materials are analyzed by analyzing the materials obtained deductively, namely a way of thinking based on circumstances and general theory.

Legal protection refers to providing guarantees for human rights that may cause harm to others. Children's rights to support are regulated in Article 104 paragraph 1 and Article 105C KHI. And Article 107 paragraphs 1 and 2 explain the rights of children in choosing a guardian. Apart from that, protection from violence and torture against children is regulated in Article 110 paragraph 1 of the KHI. Meanwhile, protection for children is regulated in Article 106 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the KHI

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