The distribution of inheritance before the heir dies is a phenomenon in society that has been carried out for a long time. Parents give these assets under the pretext of making distribution easier when they die and also to avoid disputes between heirs. But according to the views of Islamic law and the views of community leaders, it is not like that. The distribution is not an inheritance but a gift. Gifts from parents to children may be made as long as the giver and recipient have fulfilled the conditions determined by Islamic law. The views of community leaders regarding this matter are also needed because it is to address the problems that exist in the community of Rondokuning Village, Kraksaan District. This research method uses source triangulation which is carried out by checking data that has been obtained from several sources. The data that has been collected is described from several points of view to produce a conclusion. In the Compilation of Islamic Law, it is stated that the relationship between gifts and inheritance is contained in Article 211, namely: "Gifts from parents to their children can be counted as inheritance." Therefore, gifts from parents to their children can be counted as inheritance. As Rasulullah SAW recommended to parents who give gifts to their children, they must be equalized in order to achieve justice
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