This research discusses people with disabilities who are married. Where obligations in the family are the responsibility of husbands and wives in households with disabilities, as well as problems and solutions in dealing with problems that exist in households with disabilities, and the efforts needed to create a sakinah family for married couples with disabilities. This research uses a type of qualitative research research procedure by producing data sourced from writings or observed behavior from humans and phenomena that occur in the field. Meanwhile, the type of research used is Case Study. Case studies are in-depth research on individuals, an organization, a group, and an activity program, procedures for obtaining qualitative research data, case study data is obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of this research, it shows that regarding the definition of a husband with a disability, he defines a sakinah family in an everyday context, namely, understanding that a husband with a disability defines a sakinah family is almost the same in essence. A husband with a disability defines a sakinah family, namely a family that is calm, peaceful, happy and prosperous. inner. Meanwhile, the role and obligations of husbands with disabilities in creating a sakinah family are that they are able to fulfill their roles and obligations, namely as leaders and carry out their obligations to earn a living and meet the needs of their families, even though they are not at the same level as families in general.
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