Muhammad Azwar Anas Azwar Anas, Dzulfikar Rodafi, Shofiatul Jannah


According to data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), from January 1 to October 4, 2023, there were approximately 159 million online gambling exchanges in Indonesia. The number of transactions is estimated to reach 160 trillion rupiah. This game is played with electronic devices such as cell phones or computers that can be accessed via the internet. As a legal state, Indonesia has regulations related to online gambling addicts contained in Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 Number 1 states "If one of the parties (husband or wife) commits adultery, is a drunkard, or gambler and so on which is difficult to stop (addiction), it can be used as a reason for divorce". This game is played with electronic devices such as cell phones or computers that can be accessed via the internet. As a legal state, Indonesia has regulations related to online gambling addicts contained in Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 Number 1 states "If one of the parties (husband or wife) commits adultery, is a drunkard, or gambler and so on which is difficult to stop (addiction), it can be used as a reason for divorce". Even though there are such regulations, there is still one of the couples who conduct online gambling, such as the case in the decision of PA Malang Regency Number 2987/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Kab. From the background above, there are three problem formulations that researchers formulate, namely: 1. how the impact of online gambling on household harmony, 2. how is the consideration of the Malang Regency PA judge regarding decision Number 2987/Pdt.G/2021 /PA.Kab.Mlg regarding the impact of online gambling on household harmony, 3. how is the analysis of Islamic law in the consideration of the judge in the decision of PA Malang Regency Number 2987/Pdt.G/2021 /PA.Kab.Mlg regarding the impact of online gambling on household harmony. In a wedding, dowry is something that must be carried out in Banyuates Village.


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