Siti Afria Dwi Setiani, Syamsu Madyan, Dwi Ari Kurniawati


Couples with different ethnic backgrounds and different cultures face difficulties in fully accepting themselves from both their spouses and extended families. Based on this background, the author uses the basis to examine in more depth about this problem as well as the adjustment efforts in cross-cultural marriages. The objectives of this study are To identify and analyze the problems faced by couples married with different cultures in Buay Madang Subdistrict, To find out the correlation between marriages with different cultures and the divorce rate at the Buay Madang KUA, and To find out the strategies of couples with different cultures in creating a harmonious family.

This research uses qualitative methods, where data is collected in the form of narratives, descriptions, or images, not in the form of numbers or statistics. This qualitative research is descriptive and uses an inductive approach in analyzing processes and meanings based on the perspective of the subject under study. By using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation techniques. As well as the analytical descriptive method as a method of analyzing the data.

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that Problems of Culturally Different Couples in Buay Madang District are Wife (Komering) higher intonation of speech such as yelling, lack of empathy, open, free parenting and Husband (Javanese) with low intonation, empathizing, closed with stricter parenting.The correlation of Cultural Marriage to the Divorce Rate at the Buay Madang KUA is low at 10% because the husband (Komering) has a culture of cockfighting by gambling which has an impact on the economy which causes domestic violence which leads to divorce. The strategy of couples with different cultures in Buay Madang District in realizing a harmonious family is to introduce culture and maintain the effectiveness of communication by often discussing and exchanging learning each other's local languages, so that there is no misunderstanding between the two and when meeting with extended families from both parties.


Keywords: Culturally Different Marriages, Divorce, Religious Affairs Office

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