In a wedding, dowry is something that must be carried out in Banyuates Village. They still really preserve their traditions and customs, especially wedding customs. This area has a tradition of weddings, namely the procession of giving a dowry. Giving a dowry in Banyuates Village is called "Maskabin" which means (dowry). Giving dowry in Banyuates village has its own characteristics, where the prospective husband must follow the wishes of the prospective wife. The dowry is given according to the year, month and date of the future wife. As for the Prophet's hadith regarding dowry, which means: "From Aisyah ra, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said; "Indeed, the greatest blessing in marriage is the one that makes the dowry easier" (HR. Imam Ahmad). If we relate it to the hadith above regarding giving a dowry in Banyuates Village, it is very burdensome for the prospective husband. If you follow the recommendation of Rasulullah SAW regarding giving a dowry, this should make things easier for the prospective husband, but this is inversely proportional to what happened in Banyuates Village. This research is included in qualitative descriptive research, which is a method used to describe the maskabin tradition in Banyuates Village, Sampang Regency. In the Al-Qur'an, Surah An-Nisa verses 4 and 24, it is explained that giving a dowry is full of willingness and makes the dowry an obligation. This is in contrast to the mascabin tradition in Banyuates Village, which as a whole is detrimental and burdensome for men in determining the dowry.
Keywords: Tradition, Maskabin, DowryFull Text:
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