This research aims to thoroughly explore domestic violence, to understand an effective solution to the factors behind domestic violence. This research is motivated by the husband's violence against his wife, where violence committed by the husband is considered a normal thing due to a lack of knowledge about domestic life so there is an understanding that the husband is the head of the household and the ruler in the household. The research method used in this thesis research is qualitative research. In collecting data, observation, interview, and documentation techniques were used. Data analysis, collection, reduction, presentation, and verification/conclusion drawing techniques were used. Meanwhile, check the data's validity using credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests. Several factors, including economic factors, cause factors causing domestic violence. Where the perpetrator is often scolded or insinuated regarding the family economy. Then the infidelity committed by husbands that occurs is caused by an environment that frequently formulates and considers infidelity to be normal. Furthermore, patriarchy is still ingrained in the joints of people's lives.
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Women, Islamic Law
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