The high rate of Early Marriage shows that empowerment of regulations imposed by thegovernment is still low. The social phenomenon regarding Early Marriage in Indonesia is one of the factors that often occurs in the homeland, both Early Marriage that occurs in rural and urbanareas. This can happen because of the simplicity of people's mindset so that this problem willoccur continuously. In addition, several supporting factors such as education, economic, socialand cultural are very influential with the early marriage. The phenomenon of Early Marriage willhave some impact that will be felt by those who do it and the families who marry it. Viewed psychologically, early marriage is not good to do because it will affect the mindset and behavior of this young couple. Their emotional condition which is considered still unstable will have animpact on quarreling and result in divorce in the household. in addition to divorce, youngmarried couples will also experience a high risk of maternal and infant mortality. This paper ismade with the aim to provide knowledge or information related to what impacts will be caused by Early Age Marriage.
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