Disobedience is a form or action that is contrary to goodness. Is an act against or against both parents. 'Uquuqu al-walidain (disobedient to parents) is a great sin. The focus of this research is 1. what does uququl al-walidaini mean according to Islam? 2. What are the criteria for a mate according to Islam? 3. what is the concept of uququl al-walidaini in choosing a mate according to Ibn Taimiyah's view?. This research is a literature review (Library Research) using a comparative analysis study approach that refers to primary data, in the form of the book Fatawa Kubro, Essay: Imam Taqiyuddin Ahmad bin Abdul Halim Ibnu Taimiyah Al Hamali. In addition to these data, in this study using supporting data such as books, articles, journals, theses that have a good conceptual or idea approach to the theme in question. The results of the study concluded that there are three points. 1. Uququl Al-Walidaini is a form or action that is contrary to goodness. 2. Selection of matchmaking criteria based on religious parameters does not mean that it does not give the slightest opportunity to other criteria to be considered, but instead gives more emphasis and priority to understanding religion. According to Ibn Taimiyah's view of the concept of Uququl Al-Walidaini in choosing a mate is something that is permissible, because marriages built on compulsion will disrupt harmony in their child's household later.
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