Withdrawal of the dowry and gifts made by the husband to his wife after the two of them were officially divorced in Proppo Village has indeed been carried out for a long time until now. Habits that practice this customary law are indigenous people who are expected to be able to build cultural values, develop customary law of bengesepoh and norms that are interconnected with each other to establish a harmony. This research uses empirical research using a qualitative descriptive approach and describes data from the field directly followed by data, classification, verification and data analysis. The results of the writing of this study, dowry is a gift that must be made by the groom to the bridegroom whose law is obligatory. Meanwhile Seserahan is what is commonly known by some people, which is an event of everything that is delivered in the form of readiness for a sense of responsibility from the man to the bride as a form of gift in marriage. Withdrawal of dowry and offerings that have become customary law when a husband and wife are officially divorced. Then the withdrawal of the dowry and offerings made from the man to the woman is carried out by deliberation, then the dowry and the offerings are given back by the woman as a whole on the condition that neither of them are blessed with a baby.
Kata Kunci : Islamic Law, Dowry, Surrender, Thalak
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