Moch Reezal, Ahmad Subekti, Abdul Wafi



The purpose of this research is the first conception of Islamic law to build a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family, the second is the obstacles faced by sugarcane farmer truck drivers building a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family, and the third is the efforts made by sugar cane farmer truck drivers to build a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family. The research is motivated by the many problems that may be faced by families of sugarcane farmer truck drivers but the drivers still manage to form and maintain a sakinah family. This research uses the type of research that goes directly to the field (Field Research) in which researchers are not fully involved but also make observations, in this study there is also primary data obtained by observation and interviews with drivers as well as secondary data obtained from literature- supporting literature. The results of this study are the first conception of Islamic law regarding the sakinah mawaddah warahmah family that is understood by the driver, the second the obstacles faced by the driver in building a sakinah family are caused by the minimal intensity of meetings, the third is the truck driver's efforts in building a sakinah family namely by understanding each other, helping each other, uphold honesty, mutual trust, and also always remember that having a family is to be happy.


Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Sakinah, Upaya, Sopir

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