Mohammad Qadafi Al Ghifar, Humaidi Humaidi, Abdul Wafi


Marriage is a situation where two human beings are united in their lives by God by weighing the worst considerations, such as not being accepted by one of the families, cultural incompatibilities, habits, and others, so mental adequacy and sufficient knowledge are needed when deciding to do marriage.  This study aims to explain the role of premarital counseling in Sakina, Mawada, and Walomar's efforts to build a  family by focusing on the formulation of several issues such as law. Second, what is the importance of pre-marital counseling? At KUA, Lokwal District, Malang City. Third, to examine Rohokuwal KUA's steps in founding Sakina, Mawada, and Waroma's families. 

After discussing with the researchers, we can conclude that premarital counseling is highly recommended for potential couples wishing to get married. Because there are many benefits that are needed by prospective partners as provisions to carry out a marriage which is actually a form of worship that takes quite a long time. Because marriage is based on worship, it must be done in a good and right way in order to get ridho and help from Allah SWT.

 Keyword: The Urgency of Pre-Marriage Guidance, Family Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warohmah

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