Tazqiatun Nisa, Faturrahman Alfa, Dzulfikar Rodafi


All creatures on this earth have their respective roles, both male and female. Both have the same rights and obligations in getting their role in various goodness that they can consciously choose, by adjusting the qualities and capabilities that each man and woman have.

The purpose of this study is to describe how the Roles of Men and Women in the Domestic and Public Domains (Comparative Study of Islamic Law and Gender), by focusing on several problem formulations, namely: First, What are the roles of men and women in the domestic and public spheres based on Islamic law. Second, what are the roles of men and women in the domestic and public spheres based on gender. Third, what is the comparison between Islamic law and gender in terms of the roles of men and women in the domestic and public spheres.

In conducting this research, the researcher uses this type of research which is comparative qualitative research and this research is library research. Data collection was carried out using library data techniques, namely collecting data or variables in the form of books, notes, transcripts with relevant scientific works. As for the method of data analysis using the comparative method is a kind of descriptive research which has the aim of finding answers fundamentally regarding cause and effect, by analyzing the factors that cause the occurrence or factors of the emergence of a particular phenomenon.

After the researcher has gone through the discussion, it can be concluded that the roles that can be chosen and owned by men and women according to Islamic law and gender are that Islam views roles as an obligatory interest, and it is appropriate to have a proper place to always be aware that they are owned by every individuals with various reasons to the good goals called for by the Prophet Muhammad, along with the orders given by Allah SWT to each of his servants. Likewise, gender views every individual as having the same rights from a social perspective, along with the set of obligations that must be carried out. Seeing that all creatures have the same opportunity to obtain good in every action.


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