Restu Ajeng Choistmadhani, Syamsu Madyan, Moh. Muslim


Productive waqf, which means managing the main waqf property so that the benefits can be distributed for the needs of the waqf recipient in accordance with the provisions of the purpose of the waqf to be able to generate sustainable profits. In Indonesia, many people's understanding in the implementation of waqf still tends to be consumptive. Even though in the current era, waqf must be legalized regarding legal validity in accordance with the provisions of the legislation so as not to create problems that lead to disputes due to the absence of evidence that is able to show that the object in question has been waqf. This is the question that will be discussed in this research. The type of research used in this research is library research to obtain research data. This research is a descriptive analysis research, which is a method that describes and analyzes problems based on facts. The approach in this research is a comparative method. The results of this study conclude that the comparison according to the madhhab imam and the waqf law provides a statement that the legal provisions for the implementation of productive waqf that have been regulated in Islamic law and civil law are allowed as long as they are carried out in accordance with sharia principles. So this is declared valid.

Kata Kunci: Productive waqf, Imam madzhab, Law 

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