Anni Rosaidah Z, Ibn Jazari, Faridatus Sa’adah


‘iddah which is prescribed in Islam has several provisions such as not being allowed to leave the house, make up, marry other men and so on. This provision is in conflict with the condition of a career woman whose husband has died and is carrying out her ‘iddah.the career woman is required to leave the house to meet the needs of family. The facts regarding the clash of shari’a provisions and the conditions of career women have became an interesting object of discussion. Then similarities and differences of opinion between priests of madhhab often occur such as Imam Syafi’i and Imam Hanafi in giving opinions regarding the ‘iddah of career women whose husband die. It is also an object of discussion that is interesting to discuss and find a solution. Based on the research topic to be studied, the research method that will be used in this research is literature review. Research that refers to literature study. And the fidings of this study are that Imam Syafi’i has expanded the limitations of going out of the house for women who are undergoing the ‘iddah period due to the death of their husband on condition that there is definite reason. Then, the scholars among the Hanafi Madhhab give a little leeway for career women who are carrying out ‘iddah because their husband have died. The Hanafi madhhab give career women leeway to leave the house on the grounds that they work during the day and at night the woman is obliged to enter the house

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