Sofwatur Rohman, Khoirul Asfiyak, Moh. Muslim


Polygamy is a general term for a marriage consisting of one husband and several wives. In establishing a household relationship between a man and a woman, of course, there are problems, one of which is a husband who wants to be polygamous due to certain reasons that encourage a husband to do polygamy. This research itself is a study method, this research is intended to describe the form of Imam Syafi'I's thoughts about justice in polygamy. Therefore, this research was conducted using library research with the main object being the opinions of Imam Syafi'i. The author uses this method intending to clearly describe the theories contained in one scientific discipline. 1. The main ideas of Imam Shafi'i are guided by the Qur'an, Sunnah, ijma', and qiyas. In determining a law, Imam Shafi'i uses the Qur'an, sunnah, ijma'. While in the Principal of ijtihad using qiyas and takhyir which if there are differences of opinion from their predecessors. 2. The meaning of justice according to Imam Syafi'i is not directed at inner justice (such as love and affection), but justice which is focused on things that are outward and measurable. Such as justice in making a shift schedule for his wives, providing a decent place to live, providing a living, and so on related to outward appearances.


Keywords: Polygamy, Theory of justice, Imam Syafi’i

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