Siti Malikatur Rohmah, Maskuri Maskuri, Nur Hasan


Religious culture is the embodiment of the values of religious teachings as a tradition of organizational behavior and culture that is followed by all citizens within the institution. Religious culture is an urgent matter that must be created in educational institutions because educational institutions are one of the institutions that transform values. Related to the explanation of religious culture. In the education process, a PAI teacher has a big responsibility in instilling honesty in students. Honesty is something that is very missed by its presence in the era of modernization like today because honesty is very difficult to find. The crisis not only afflicts economic aspects but also moral aspects.This thesis is taken from the background of the Effect of Religious Culture on Honest Attitude of the students of Singosari Almaarif 01 Islamic Junior High School in education that is moral to be an aspect that must be considered because when a nation's morals are good, the other aspects will be good. So from that the aim of PAI teachers in instilling the value of honesty in students is that later the graduates are able to answer all expectations for the need to build a nation.The purpose of this study is 1) to know the level of religious culture that can influence the formation of honest attitudes of Singosari 01 Almaarif Islamic Middle School students. 2) Investigating honesty in various matters that can have a positive influence on students in Singosari 01 Almaarif Islamic Middle School. 3) Make students able to think rationally about religious culture and can be applied in the daily lives of students of Singosari 01 Almaarif Islamic Middle School. The results of this study conclude: (1) Religious culture is proven to have a positive and significant effect on honest attitude of Singosari 01 Almaarif Islamic Middle School students, meaning that the higher the religious culture the higher the honest attitude of students. This is evidenced by the results of the correlation between the variables of religious culture with an honest attitude of 0.407

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