Diana Eka Wati, Atika Zuhrotus Sufiyana, Diah Dina Aminata


This research is motivated by the large number of PAI students who still feel that there are various problems/problems in preparing themselves to become teachers. Self-preparation for students, especially in the final semester, really needs to be done, because doing the preparation carefully will open their minds and also their insights about good preparation before actually becoming teachers.

The purpose of this study is to describe the problems of Islamic religious education study program smt VIII students in preparing themselves to become teachers and the solutions of PAI students in facing the problems of preparing to become teachers.

The research method used is using a qualitative research approach and using a case study type of research. Data collection procedures were carried out using observation, interview and documentation methods.

The results of the study show that there are two main problems that are often experienced by PAI students in preparing themselves to become teachers in the future. The first problem is the lack of literacy in students. The second problem is a lack of interest from within oneself. The third problem is the lack of mastery of PAI material and teaching methods. The fourth problem is the difficulty in adjusting theory and practice in teaching. Then there are three main solutions for PAI students in terms of facing the problems of self-preparation to become teachers, namely the first overall preparation, namely the preparation made by PAI students both mentally and physically, the second is by practicing teaching skills by practicing good public speaking, the third is by increasing insight by participating in discussions, campus organizations, seminars/events both inside and outside campus etc. Things that need to be considered as suggestions are so that PAI students, especially those who are already at the end of their studies, can continue to improve various readiness from within themselves so that they can face various problems in terms of preparing to become teachers.

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