Achmad Syainur Rochim, Muhammad Sulistiono, Qurroti Ayun


This research is motivated by the development of Islamic Education in Indonesia during the Dutch Colonial government which was not at all democratized in terms of education of indigenous people. The struggle against colonialism continues. Islamic boarding schools and ulema have a big role in this. One of the scholars who became a warrior figure from Malang was KH. Muhammad Yahya, The strategy implemented by Kyai Yahya in the development of Islamic education in Malang has had a great influence on the people of Malang and its surroundings, especially the residents of the Gading village and its surroundings. One of the strategies implemented by Kyai Yahya in the development of Islamic education in Malang which is interesting to discuss is the thoriqoh approach. Because the implementation of this approach is very effective, not only the people of Malang are experiencing the fruit of this thoriqoh approach. Seeing the effectiveness of this thoriqoh approach, the authors are interested in raising the discussion regarding the thoriqoh approach implemented by KH. Muhammad Yahya. This research is a product of qualitative research using a historical approach. Researchers collect and interpret symptoms, events or ideas that appeared in the past to find generalizations that are useful for understanding history according to facts. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. Data analysis by describing information, analyzing data, classifying data, and describing findings.

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