Muhdor muhdor


One method that is often implemented in the realm of Indonesian education is the demonstration method. This method is used by PAI subject teachers in class XI SMAI Al-ma'arif Singosari Malang in order to maximize learning activities is the demonstration method. From the background of the research above, the researchers formulated the research focus, namely on the application and inhibiting factors in the application of the demonstration method in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education in class XI SMAI Al-ma'arif Singosari Malang. To achieve these objectives, the research was carried out using a qualitative approach, with the type of case study research, data collection techniques were carried out by passive participation observation methods, unstructured interviews and documentation, data analysis techniques were carried out by data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions, and checking the validity of the data was carried out by extending observations, triangulating sources and triangulating techniques, and peer discussions. The main obstacle that triggers the occurrence of ineffectiveness in the implementation of demonstrations is the presence of students who still do not understand the sequence of funeral prayers and the management of corpses and inadequate facilities and infrastructure.


Kata Kunci: Metode Demonstrasi, Proses Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Agama Islam.

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