Nurul Badriyah, Muhammad Sulistiono, Bahroin Budiya


The research in this thesis is motivated by seeing the neglect of character education due to the impact of modernization, even though character education is a very strong foundation for a nation. So it is necessary to strive for character formation, especially religious characters in students.Therefore, the formation of religious character is very important to be applied in the world of education so that it can encourage the growth and development of student obedience. Teachers as a substitute for the role of parents in schools need to have awareness, understanding, concern and commitment to guide students to become obedient and pious humans. In his observations, the researcher made observations at SMAN 5 Malang with the reason that SMAN 5 Malang is one of the public schools in which it needs emphasis to explore the value of religious characters in each learning process. And want to know more about how the efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers in shaping the religious character of students.

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