Mohamad Waliy Ramadhan, Ach. Faisol, Dian Muhammad Hakim


Islamic boarding school education is a center for education and teaching, especially in the field of Islamic education. Islamic boarding school with a variety of existing activities do not reduce the enthusiasm of students in seeking knowledge and also getting education. It takes a leader who can manage the course of an education and teaching in a balanced way, not only regulating but also being able to form a character with an Islamic spirit in the students. From the research has been carried out, the results is obtained in order to answer the existing research focus are (1) the role of the kiai as a central figure in developing an honest attitude, which is instilled from the beginning of students entering the pesantren so that they are accustomed to telling the truth like the saying "say honestly even though it's bitter". (2) the role of the kiai as a central figure in developing a disciplined attitude that is useful for the survival of society because discipline describes the good and bad of individual students. In Islamic boarding schools, disciplines can be divided into scientific disciplines and time disciplines, if the knowledge gained is based on Islamic creed, it can be said to be disciplined in science, while students can be said to be disciplined in time if they carry out their duties and work on time. (3) the role of the kiai as a central figure in developing a responsible attitude, where a santri is given a mandate to run an organization within the pesantren is a responsibility. If they are not trustworthy in running the organization, they cannot be said to be responsible in their duties.

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