Kustini Kustini




Documentation of students' scores in reading indicates that only 9 out of 36 students achieved the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) 75. Therefore, this Classroom Action Research was carried out by implementing the herringbone technique in teaching reading to solve the problems encountered by students.

In this study, the steps the teacher applied in implementing the herringbone technique were: (1) selecting a proper text by adjusting to the students' reading level; (2) instructing the students to read the text individually; (3) dividing the students into groups consisting of two students for each group; (4) doing vocabulary exercise in the group; (5) giving  a visual diagram of the herringbone to the students; (6) explaining the students to record the answers to the w-h questions on the diagram; (7) asking students to find out the answer and recording it on the diagram; (8) explaining the students about how each answer fits into a slot in a main idea sentence; (9) instructing them to write the main idea by using the information from the herringbone diagram; and 10) utilizing the diagram as a tool for story discussion. The herringbone technique serves as a strategy applied to improve students' ability to understand the reading.


Keywords: reading comprehension, herringbone technique

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The Use of Herringbone Technique to Improve Student’s Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text at the Tenth Grade

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