The Effect of Think Talk Write Strategy on the Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text of the First Grade Students of SMK PLUS ALMAARIF

Maulida Agustin Kamilia


Writing is one of the most difficult skills in learning process that allows the writer to explore what they thoughts and ideas. It is important skill that everyone acquired. By developing ideas in writing, everyone can express something to state in their mind into a good writing. In this research, the researcher asserts for students’ writing ability in recount text by using Think Talk Write Strategy. One of the problem in SMK Plus Almaarif Singosari Malang in expressing their ideas and did not interested in writing activity.

            TTW is a strategy that facilitates the exercise of language both oral and written fluently. This strategy based on the interpretation that learning is a social action. Think Talk Write Strategy encourages the students to think, talk, and write based on the particular topic. TTW strategy is used to develop the writing fluently and exercise the language before write them. Researcher used Think Talk Write Strategy as the appropriate media and strategy to solve the problem.      

This study used experimental which is quasi-experimental design. The subject of this study was two classes of first grade at SMK Plus Almaarif Singosari. The students consisted of 30 students they were 17students of TKR A and 13 students of TKR B. The researcher gave pre-test, treatment and post-test. The post-test was done using Think Talk Write Strategy. The data analysis used quantitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from test score by using IBM statistical Package for social function (SPSS) version 20.

            Based on the result observation, the researcher found the mean score for the experimental group was 82.47 and the mean score of control group was 70.57. While, in testing the hypothesis the researcher used independent sample t-test. 3.383and t-table in significant level was 0.05 so, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that there is significant effect of Think Talk Write Strategy on the first grade of students’ writing ability.

            Finally, the researcher suggested to the English teacher to apply Think Talk Write Strategy in teaching writing, because it can solve the problems of students to get an idea in writing. It is also suggested to be explored in different grade.

Key Words: Think Talk Write, Recount Text, Writing Ability.

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