Developing Interactive Learning Media in English Vocabulary for First Grade using Quiz Creator of SMP 1 KANDANGAN

David Pradipta Maulana


The use of various media, particularly digital and computer-based has been widely used and indirectly the pupils have been adept at using the media that provided, exactly in education based on curriculum 2013. This study is aimed to develop an interactive learning media by using Quiz Creator Media for English vocabulary in SMP NEGERI 1 Kandangan. Researcher needs an instructional media that can overcome it and the instructional media that can be used is a method of research and development (R & D). The method used research and Development (R&D) was used in this study to produce a media that needed. The researcher uses procedures adapted from W. R., & Gall. M. (1983) that include: 1)Need Analysis from the teacher and students, 2) media development in which the materials were adopted, and organized based on teacher and students’ book according to the Curriculum 2013, 3)expert validation to assess the product of media based on content and design, 4) Revision to revise the developed media based on the experts’ validation, 5) Limited field testing in order to have comments and suggests from the students’, 6) second revision, 7) Final Product. Based on the result of the research, the media get positive side from the student and teacher, because it is suitable with the materials from the content/material expert with 92% is on very good category. Then from the design expert with the percentage from the aspect of navigation, the result of assessment with percentage of 80% is in good category. Second, in the aspect of display, the result of assessment with the percentage of 80% is in good category. Third, in the aspect of Text, the result of assessment with the percentage of 90% is in very good category. Fourth, in the aspect of Ease, the result of assessment with the percentage of 80% is in good category.    


Keywords: Development, Interactive Learning Media, Technology

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