The Influence of Group Work toward the Students’ Reading Comprehension (narrative text)

Roni Abdi Sabwan


Abstract:The objective of the research is to investigate whether the students who are taught by using Cooperative Learning in reading narrative text have better reading comprehension than those taught by Traditional Teaching strategy. This study was implemented to the second grade students of Wahid Hasyim Malang in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. This study was conducted to know the effectiveness of Cooperative Learning strategy on students’ reading comprehension inreading narrative text.
This study used a quantitative research because it involved analysis of numerical data and used statistical analysis. This research is quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test. The researcher applied this design because the students have been already organized into classes, so they were selected without random assignment. The researcher can only take two different classes. Class VIII A was experimental group that consist 31 students and classVIII B was control group that consist 31 students. Students of experimental group was taught by Cooperative Learning strategy in reading narrative text and the students of control group were taught by Traditional Teaching strategy in reading narrative text. The instrument used in this study is the multiple choices test. The test was divided into pre-test and post-test. The test was used to know the students’ reading comprehension toward Cooperative Learning strategy.
From this research, it can be concluded that the students who are taught by Cooperative Learning strategy in reading narrative text have better reading comprehension than those taught by Traditional Teaching strategy. It indicates that Cooperative Learning strategy is more effective than Traditional Teaching strategy in reading narrative text. The hypothesis testing stated that the Cooperative Learning strategy gave significant effect on students’ reading comprehension in reading narrative text at second grade of junior high school students in SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. It was proved from the t-value computation which was higher than t-value in t-table. The result of t-value was 3.461 and t-value in t-table was 2.000. it meant that the students who are taught by Cooperative Learning strategy have better reading comprehension in reading narrative text than those taught by Traditional Teaching strategy.

Keywords: Cooperative Learning, reading comprehension, reading, narrative text.

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