Developing Listening Exercise for English Proficiency Test in The Form Of Mobile Application For Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Al Izzah Batu

Siget Andri Setiawan


This study is aimed to develop smartphone application which provide exercise material for listening especially for English proficiency test. This product is expected to be able to aid students in practicing listening and motivate them to get better score in English proficiency test especially in listening section. The feasible access, interesting features and engaging user interface are the factor to let the students enjoy the listening practice in this application.

The development model used in this development research is the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely (1) analyzing (2) designing, (3) developing, (4) implementation and (5) evaluation. The data taken from analyzing stage was conducted both in the school interviewing the TOEFL® preparation course teacher and online by using questionnaire in form of “google form”. In developing process, the researcher took the prototype into product validation. The product validation was carried out by TOEFL® learning material experts and android-based learning media expert. The product was then implemented in an online learning session joined by 18 students. The evaluation stage focused in finalizing the prototype into final product. The final product had met the eligibility criteria and could be used in the learning process.

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