ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN TEPUNG TAPIOKA (Studi Kasus : UD. Penepung dari Bahan Singkong di Desa Pogalan Kecamatan Pogalan Kabupaten Trenggalek)

Asti Widya Asmarani, M Noerhadi Sudjoni


UD. Penepung dari Bahan Singkong is one of the industries that processes cassava into tapioca flour in Pogalan Village, Pogalan District, Trengalek Regency. Companies implement marketing strategies because there are many industries operating in the same field. Implementation of a company's marketing strategy is carried out using an effective SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis plays an important role in developing alternative competitive strategies to maintain the continuity and survival of a company. The objectives of this research are: 1) Analysis of internal and external marketing factors for tapioca flour products at UD. Penepung dari Bahan Singkong from Pogalan Village, Pogalan District, Trengalek Regency, 2) To analyze the appropriate marketing strategy for tapioca flour UD. Penepung dari Bahan Singkong in Pogalan Village, Pogalan District, Trengalek Regency. This research was conducted in July 2023. The method used in this research was the Mix Method, with a total of 25 respondents. The research data used is primary data in the form of surveys of owners and employees as well as interviews with owners regarding product marketing strategies. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptions and IFAS, EFAS and SWOT analysis. Research shows that consumers respond positively to tapioca flour products. Based on the weighting results of the SWOT matrix, the values obtained are 𝑥 = 0.02 and 𝑦 = 0.34. This value shows that the marketing strategy quadrant is in quadrant I with a positive value. This position explains that the company is running well and there are opportunities.


Tapioca flour, marketing strategy, SWOT Matrix


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