Puspa Sari, Azhar Haq, Fita Mustafida


The library is a means of learning resources and information for students. The library also plays a central role in developing students' reading interest. Therefore libraries held in schools or madrassas must be able to provide good services for library users. So that the library that is held can function as it should. The MIN 1 Malang Library has good management so that it can provide optimal services, so that it can function as a learning resource for students. Efforts continue to be made in the library of MIN 1 Malang in improving the quality of library services. Therefore, this study aims to determine the efforts made by madrassas in improving the quality of library services in MIN 1 Malang, as well as their supporting and inhibiting factors. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation. The efforts made in improving the quality of library services in MIN 1 Malang are improving library management, improving Human Resources (HR), providing adequate library facilities, completing collection of library materials, and creating library programs. Supporting factors in improving the quality of library services in MIN 1 Malang in the form of high student interest in reading, the existence of competent library staff in the library field, the existence of adequate library facilities, and a complete collection of library materials. An inhibiting factor in improving the quality of library services in MIN 1 Malang is in terms of library funding which is quite small with budgetary resources from the government and madrasa committees.

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