Pengaruh Religiositas, Penerapan Teknologi, Dan Transparansi Terhadap Kepercayaan Muzakki Berzakat Pada LAZIS di Kota Malang

Izzatuz Zahroh, Dwiyani Sudaryanti, Harun Alrasyid


This study aimed to determine the effect of Religiosity, Application of Technology, and Transparency from the Trust of Muzakki to do zakat at LAZIS in Malang. This type of research was correlational quantitative research. In this study, the samples taken were Muzakki from Malang who paid zakat at LAZIS in Malang and Muzakki from Malang who paid zakat using banking services or digital services with a total number of 70 people. The number of samples were taken using the technique of Non-Probability Sampling with Accidental Sampling to get respondents. The analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results showed that the religiosity variable had a positive and significant effect partially to the variable of the trust of Muzakki to do zakat, the technology application variable had a positive and significant effect partially to the variable of the trust of Muzakki to do zakat, and the transparency variable had significant effect partially to the variable of the trust of Muzakki to do zakat.
Keyword: Religiosity, Technology Application, Transparancy, Trust Muzakki, Zakat

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