Analisis Mekanisme Rescheduling Pada Kredit Macet Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 (Study Kasus Pada Koperasi Syariah KCP Mojokerto)

Zahrotun Nisa, Nur Diana, Junaidi Junaidi


This research is used to determine the Rescheduling mechanism for bad loans during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Mojokerto KCP Sharia Cooperative. This study used qualitative methods using primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. In dealing with customer bad credit, one of them is by rescheduling. The rescheduling mechanism for bad loans can be done by inviting customers to the cooperative, then discussing the problems experienced by the customer, submitting a rescheduling request to the rescheduling cooperative. If the reschedule is approved by the cooperative, the customer can re-contract Antara, extend the time or change the amount of installments. The rescheduling is done to ease the burden on the customer in returning the loans that have been borrowed.

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