Siti Maslukhah, Nur Diana, M. Cholid Mawardi


The development of UMKM in Indonesia is very difficult and there are many unfair market competitions. The pressure obtained by UMKM actors makes their productivity lower than large companies, so that the income earned by UMKM is lower. Sharia business ethics has a positive impact on UMKM actors, while the principles in sharia business ethics are monotheism, justice, free will, responsibility, and honesty. Thus, it is necessary to apply production and distribution processes that are in accordance with Islamic business ethics. The purpose of this study was to find out whether UMKM actors had implemented business ethics in accordance with Islamic business ethics. In this study, the method used is a descriptive qualitative research method because the researcher wants to describe and write down the facts/conditions seen from the production and distribution process carried out by UMKM actors UD. Harapan Jaya in Kedungrejo Village, Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency. Research conducted based on the analysis of sharia business ethics applied by UMKM actors shows that this is not in accordance with the true principles of sharia business ethics. In the research conducted, the researchers found that there were production and distribution processes that were not in accordance with Islamic business ethics, it can be concluded that the applied Islamic business ethics is not appropriate.

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