Pengaruh Katalis Tanah Merah dan Abu Vulkanik Pada Proses Pirolisis Biomassa Ampas Tebu

Ilham Aim Ardiansyah Ardiansyah


Biomass processing is generally only used as fertilizer or composites, the rest only becomes organic waste. Biomass pyrolysis is an attempt to produce liquid smoke by decomposition in a reactor in the absence of oxygen. The use of natural catalysts derived from red soil and volcanic ash can affect the level of liquid, char, and gas production. This study aims to identify the effect of using red soil and volcanic ash as catalysts in the pyrolysis process of bagasse biomass. The method carried out is to put 350grams of bagasse biomass and each catalyst of red soil and volcanic ash as much as 10% of the raw material into the reactor at 350°C for 90 minutes with the help of N₂ to reduce oxygen levels in the reactor and facilitate the flow rate. The results of this study are a relatively high level of heavy oil production on red soil catalysts producing a yield of 41.42% while without catalysts producing a yield of 39.14%. This is due to the content of Aluminum (Al) and Silica (Si) metals that dominate in red soil and volcanic ash catalysts, so that they can increase the rate of pyrolysis combustion reaction of bagasse biomass.

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