ANALISIS TRANSPARANSI DAN AKUNTABILITAS PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DESA SEBAGAI SARANA GOOD GOVERNANCE (Studi Pada Pemerintahan Desa Putat Lor Dan Desa Putat Kidul Kecamatan Gondanglegi Kabupaten Malang Tahun 2016)

Lilis Sufiana, Nur Diana


The purpose of this research is to know whether the management of
village finances at the village of Putat Lor and Putat Kidul done transparently
and accountably through the process:planning and budgeting,
implementation,administration, reporting and responsibility. The descriptive
which is done buy using the quantitative approach is used as the research
method. The data collection technique has been done by conducting
interview,observation, and dokumentation. While the data analysis has been
done by data reduction, presentation of data, conclucions and verification. The
result of the research shows that generally the goverment at the Putat Lor and
Putat Kidul village has been implemented the good goverment principle that is
transparency and accountibility in managing village finances related to village
budget (APBDesa) in 2016, even though not perfect yet. For example in the
evaluation in only done at district but in the village has not implemented by
involving all stakeholders. Therefore, sustainable improvement needs to be
done by the goverment at the Putat Lor and Putat Kidul Village to create a
prosperous society.
Keyword: transparency and accountibility, management of village finances,
good governance.

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