Pengaruh Nilai Sosial Terhadap Minat Karir Mahasiswa Sebagai Akuntan Publik Dengan Personalitas Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi Empiris pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi UNISMA dan UIN MALIKI Malang)

Maratus Shalihah, Dwiyani Sudaryanti, Junaidi Junaidi


Choosing and determining a career is the most important point in life, because career is the core of a person's basic life values. This research aims to determine the influence of social values on students' career interests as public accountants with personality as a moderating variable in UNISMA and UIN MALIKI MALANG accounting students. The data collection technique used in this study was questionnaire distribution. The data analysis method used is a quantitative approach, which includes descriptive statistical analysis, instrumental test (validity test and reliability test), normality test, classical hypothesis test (multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test) and hypotheses (t-test, moderated regression analysis and coefficient determination test).). The results of this research state that social values have a positive influence on students' career interests as public accountants and personality is able to moderate the influence of social values on students' career interests as public accountants for UNISMA and UIN MALIKI Malang accounting students.

Keywords: Social values, student career interests as public accountants and personality.

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