Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi SAK EMKM pada UMKM di Malang Raya

Sinta Nafia Afi, Maslichah Maslichah, Dyah Arini Rudiningtyas


The execution of SAK EMKM represents a deliberate endeavor with the objective of achieving specific goals outlined by SAK EMKM. SAK EMKM, which stands for Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises, serves as a tailored set of standards designed to serve as a reference for financial accounting practices within SMEs. This research seeks to assess the impact of SAK EMKM Socialization, Information Technology Utilization, Business Tenure, and Human Resources Quality on the implementation of SAK EMKM. The sample for this study comprises micro and small food & beverage SMEs located in the city of Malang. The study utilizes purposive sampling technique, and the sample size is determined using the Slovin formula. Findings from this research indicate that each independent variable can influence the execution of SAK EMKM. While the socialization of SAK EMKM shows no significant impact on its implementation, the utilization of information technology demonstrates a positive and notable effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM. Business tenure does not exert influence on the implementation of SAK EMKM, whereas the quality of human resources exhibits show no impact on its implementation.

Keywords: Implementation of SAK EMKM, SAK EMKM socialization, utilization of information technology, length of business, and quality of human resource

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