Elmia Ikhmawati, Noor Shodiq Askandar, Anik Malikah


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of perception, motivation, interest and knowledge of taxation on career choices in the field of taxation. The number of samples in the study was 339 out of 2,229 total population.  The population in this study is a Student of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Islamic University of Malang who is and has taken taxation courses, the sample in this study uses simple random sampling techniques. The data used is primary data obtained through the dissemination of questionnaires which are then processed and analyzed. Data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression analysis methods using SPSS version 16 so that the results of the analysis in this study in the form of influence of perception, motivation, interest and knowledge of taxation positively affect the choice of career in the field of taxation.

Keywords: perception, motivation, interest in tax knowledge and career options in taxation

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