Syamsul Huda, Afifudin Afifudin, Arista Fauzi Kartika Sari


Economic and Islamic finance are merging in global business market. The finance industry is a thing that have significant progress. As the time is go on, the human resources that have the ability and lore of Islamic finance is affected by the increasing of finance Islamic. Thus, is fulfilled yet before. According to the statement before, the purpose of this research is to know the effect of financial valuation, environment working and spiritual understanding effect to the readability of student career in Islamic institution. For the method that used in this research is collecting data. The researcher used the questionnaire which is shared in online access. The analysis techniques of data used the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) 23th program version. Moreover, the researcher employed 87 students in Islamic University of Malang, Faculty of Economic and Business, Accountant and Islamic Finance Department as the sample. Then, the result has found that some accurate effect. Such as first, the financial valuation, environment working and spiritual understanding weigh as simultaneously to the readability of student career in Islamic institution. Second, the financial valuation did not weigh to the readability of student career in Islamic institution. Third, the environment working weigh as positive significant to the readability of student career in Islamic institution. And the last of the result, the spiritual understanding weigh as positive significant to the readability of student career in Islamic institution.

Keywords: Financial Valuation, Environment Working, Spiritual Understanding, Readability of Student Career in Islamic Institution.

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