yuyun .


Abstract: Despite the existing literature on international teaching practicum in ELT, little attention has been geared toward uncovering the interplay of challenges, coping strategies, and perceived gains of international teaching practicum encountered by EFL pre-service teachers (henceforth, participants). To fill this lacuna, the present narrative study looks at how two Indonesian EFL-preservice teachers experienced an international teaching practicum in Malaysia. The study specifically explores their experiences of challenges, coping strategies, and perceive gains of such an oversea teaching program and how it affects their professional development. The analysis suggests a dynamic interplay that supports the participants’ professional development as a teacher candidate. The findings divulge a continuum of self- experiences in international teaching practicum, where participants develop their teaching engagement through facing challenges, enacting strategic behaviours, and perceiving benefits for their professional development. Therefore, the participants were akin to develop valuable insights and a deeper understanding of their professional development.


Key Words: EFL pre-service teacher, international teaching practicum, narrative inquiry, professional development.


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