Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Predator Di Kebun Kopi Desa Patokpicis Kecamatan Wajak Kabupaten Malang
A predatory arthropod is an organism that eats or preys on another organism in an agroecosystem to maintain its life and fulfill its food needs. This research aims determine the diversity of predatory arthropods in the coffee plantations of Patokpicis Village, Wajak District, Malang Regency. This research was conducted in November-March 2023. Type of research This is a quantitative descriptive method with data collection using the direct observation method and the beating tray method. The sampling technique involves making systematic line transect sampling at each station in 10 plots with 3 replications at 2 research locations in the ST 1 and ST 2 areas for sampling. The results of research at the two stations obtained 11 families with 19 genera. The diversity index and dominance index values at stations 1 and 2 are different, namely the diversity index (H') for station 1 is 1,692 and the dominance index (C) is 0.322, while at station 2 the diversity index (H') value is 1,939 and the dominance index (C ) is 0.183. The results of the correlation coefficient test show that the correlation between the diversity of predatory insects and abiotic factors is air temperature with a value of 0.378 (low). The correlation coefficient value between predatory insect diversity and abiotic factors is light intensity with a value of 0.363 (low). The correlation coefficient value between predatory insect diversity and abiotic factors is air humidity with a value of -0.461 (medium).
Keywords: beating tray, diversity, predatory arthropods.Full Text:
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