Mapping The Distribution Of Coffee Plantations (Coffea sp.) Using Geographic Information System (GIS) In Patokpicis Village, Poncokusumo District

Tuba Gus Faizin, Luchman Hakim, Hasan Zayadi


Patokpicis village is one of the areas with community coffee plantations. The replacement of coffee plantations to become fields and vegetable farms was massive, so the research aimed to determine the distribution of available coffee plantations and analyze the character of coffee in Patokpicis village. The study was conducted from April to July 2020. Data collection was located in the Patokpicis Village area, Wajak District, Malang Regency. The method used was exploratory observation, including a coffee land mapping survey by determining the coordinate points of each coffee land then visualized with QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System) and determining the character of coffee plants by observing vitality and periodicity. The results of the research in Patokpicis Village there are 15 plantation points with 10 points in agriculture and 5 points in plantations. The percentage value of periodicity and the vitality value of coffee plants only have 3 plantation points that have a value of 100% which indicates that community plantations do not have maintenance.

Keywords: coffee plantation, agriculture, periodicity, vitality

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