Isolasi dan Identifikasi Awal Bakteri Patogen pada Kolam Maturasi IPLT Supit Urang Kota Malang
The sanitation problem in Malang City is a serious problem. The Supit Urang Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) is intended to improve the processing of fecal waste so that is suitable for disposal into the environment. This study aims to isolate and identifyx the initial types of pathogenic bacteria contained in fecal waste effluent found in maturation ponds. The method used is descriptive exploratory xto provide an overview of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in maturation ponds. The data obtained was then analyzed descriptively in form of data tabulations in tables and diagrams. The result showed that there were four genera of pathogenic bacteria identified in maturation ponds. The four genera are xmembers of the Enterobacteriaceae family, including Escherichia, Salmonella, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter. Microscopically, bacteria were found to be gram-negative with bacilli, cocci, and spiral cell shapes. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in the maturation ponds is thought to be due to thex depth of the pond and the detention time exceeds the standard. Treatment of fecal waste in maturation ponds is not optimal because it still contains harmful pathogenic bacteria, so it needs more intensive processing to make it suitable for disposal into the river.
Keywords: fecal sludge, IPLT, maturation pond, pathogenic bacteria
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