Waste Management Training for Al Yasini Pasuruan High School Students to Improve Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills in Managing Waste

Ratna Djuniwati Lisminingsih


The amount of waste accumulation, types and characteristics of school waste has increased in line with the increase in the number of community members, activities, changes in consumption patterns and lifestyles. The waste management system using the reuse-reduce-recycle approach is a simple concept to overcome waste management problems in schools. The implementation of waste management in schools depends on the knowledge, attitudes and behavior as well as skills of the school community. The training was carried out to help improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills of Al-Yasini High School students in waste management using a reuse-reduce-recycle approach so as to reduce waste generation and convert waste into material that is not harmful to the environment, has economic value, and supports a sustainable healthy environment. . Training uses a series of needs analysis steps; determining approaches and objectives, designing training, and implementing training and evaluation. The training was attended by 93 Al Yasini High School students majoring in science (71) and social studies (22) with an average age of 15.9 years. Training evaluation includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. The average percentage of student achievement in aspects of student knowledge, attitudes and skills was 88.92%, including the very good category. Achievements after training can be followed up with school habits and policies regarding waste management so that the school environment becomes clean and healthy and sustainable.


Kata Kunci:

Pelatihan pengelolaan sampah, pengetahuan, sikap, ketrampilan, Al Yasini,

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33474/jimas-sains.v2i2.24390


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